Monday, December 12, 2011

Take A Chance

This is for the short people who get trampled. Life will
never be as big as you'd like it. This is for the people
who are overweight, you can and will be happy.

Take a chance.

This is for my Mom, who works overtime,
all the time. For my dad who doesn't work
overtime, but still works hard.

Take a chance.

This is for the lonely girls in the world.
He will one day be waiting on you to 
acknowledge him one day, you just have
to take that risk and do it.

                    Take a chance.

Take a chance at love, life, new friends, fame, fortune,
that car you've always wanted, that dream job that never 
seemed to be hiring, and take a chance always. Because
you'll never know what might come your way.
So take chances in life now because then when the
time comes you'll say bring it on, and I'm here to stay.

This is for all those hopeless people that I 
have hope in. I know you can make it and
you know you can too. Take the freaking
chance today, before its too late and the hope
is gone away.

        BE RISKY.
                                                        THIS IS FOR YOU.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Her Journey

Ordinary World: Little 5 year old Kate, lives with her mommy and daddy in Washington, and she's about to get a new baby brother.

Call to Adventure: Kate has to move to Africa for her daddy's job.

Refusal of the Call: She doesn't want to move, and leave her friends and family. She likes the new school she just barely got.

Meeting with the Mentor: Her mom had to give her a little talk to make her feel better about moving to a new place. She said that Kate would make lots of new friends and have a really great time, only if she had a good attitude.

Crossing the Threshold: Kate gets on the plane to her new home.

Tests, Allies, Enemies: Kate didn't like her new home, because everyone would look at her strange. She did make friends with some girls though, and they were very nice to her. She didn't like the change of everything, but at the same time was excited to explore new things and places.

Approach: Kate came home one day crying 'cause she was so different from everyone else and no one liked her.

Ordeal: Kate was walking home from playing with her new friends when a couple of big, mean boys came up to her and started calling her names and pushing and kicking her around.  They wouldn't leave her alone, so she yells for her dog and he comes running and chases the boys away.

Reward: Kate can now walk home, with her dog by her side, without having to worry about anyone bothering her.

The Road Back: Kate walks home again but this time her doggy wasn't there, because she hadn't seen the boys in a long time, she wasn't scared.

Resurrection: The boys had followed her because they knew she wasn't protected. Kate knew if she could just call for her dog she would be saved. She was getting beat up pretty bad and soon found herself on the ground, hearing the sound of the boys running away and the barking of her doggy.

Elixir: Now she takes her wonderful dog with her no matter where she goes. Everyone is always safe when they're with Kate and her doggy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hero's Journey Film Analysis

17 Again
Ordinary World: Mike O'Donnell is an adult with     two kids, no career, and about to get a divorce.

Call To Adventure: The old janitor asks Mike if he  could go back would he do it all over again?

Refusal of the Call: He's driving home thinking his life is never going to change, when he sees the old janitor about to jump off the bridge. He runs over to see and Mike gets sucked into the water below. He gets home the next morning and he's 17.

Meeting with the Mentor: Ned, his best friend, helps him out after he tries to attack and kill Mike. Ned finds out for him that he was changed back to 17 for a reason; to go back to high school.

Crossing the Threshold: Mike goes back to High School.

Tests, Allies, Enemies: Mike gets on the basketball team, has to fit in with what the teenagers are doing these days, meets Stan the bully in high school, befriends his son by finding out he's the school punching bag, learns about Maggie's (his daughter) boyfriend issues, and learns that his wife Scarlett is going on dates with other guys.

Approach: Mike realizes its not about getting on the team, but helping his
kids through high school and fix his marriage with Scarlett.

Ordeal: Scarlett is going through with the divorce and Mike has to stop it by reminding her of how much he loves her.

Reward: Scarlett changes the court date.

The Road Back: Mike goes to the final basketball game planning on playing and having the life he would've had.

Resurrection: Scarlett leaves the game and Mike has the choice to play the game or run after her and lose everything again.

Return with Elixir: Mike runs after her and his marriage and his relationship with his kids is fixed.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

That One Saturday

Dear World,

       I was once an ordinary person. I would wake up at 6:50 almost every day (Monday-Friday), go to school, come home: eat a snack, watch some t.v., and hang out with friends. I had a loving family, an amazing boyfriend, a fantastic dog, and everything was going perfect. Life was great until one day I woke up on a very odd Saturday. No one and I mean no one was even present in my life. I ran around up and down my house, no one was there. I ran around the neighborhood, no one was there. I ran to walmart, no one was there. I finally ran to the school and right there in the middle of the field was some old fat janitor, sweeping up something on the grass. I walk up to him, he looked up at me with a blank stare and said "run." Then he disappeared right in front of my eyes.

   What happened to everyone?
   Why was the janitor the only person I could find?
   What am I running from exactly?
                                The last person on the planet

Monday, November 7, 2011

HEY I'm blurbbin here!

We Shot The Moon ~ Perfect Time
Tyson sits in the same uncomfortable chair, watching his wife Katelyn suffer in the hospital with cancer. He loves her so much, he cannot give up hope. He grasps her hand as she wakes up and looks him in the eye. He stares back in silence and realizes that she is the only one for him, and he will not give up this fight.

Jack's Mannequin ~ Bruised
John Watkins and Sarah Wright stand at the terminal, and say their final goodbye to each other. She leaves but John can't just let her go, because he loves her. He gets on an airplane and flies after her. He can't get her off his mind, so it makes it seem like this plane ride will never end.

Safetysuit ~ Annie
Stephen met this very intriguing girl while sitting in class. She is not like everyone else, she's a little different but she was everything to Stephen. He can't think about anything or anyone else except for her, and her name was Annie.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


 I'm watching everything rush by, like I can't get enough of 
     anything surrounding me.
  I am so ecstatic, I just can't picture a more perfect 
        moment: sitting in the car on the freeway to California. 
              My family was adventuring off to Disneyland. You could 
                      just feel the excitement in the car as we pulled up to the beach
                              house we were going to stay at. We're unloading our stuff from
                       the car into the house. We are just running around having so 
              much fun when all of a sudden my mom gets a call, from 
        my aunt. I didn't have to look at my mom to know 
   something was terribly wrong. The whole house 
was silent and I finally looked at my mom.
    The tears were streaming down her face and there
    was nothing but shock. We were all asking her 
    what was happening, what was going on. She
    finally told us. 
       My cousin had shot herself earlier on that day.
     I couldn't believe a word of it, I was in complete
   shock. I just stared off into space for hours not 
  even knowing what was going on in my head. All
 I could think, as I stood out on the beach was,
                     things can be going so great at one moment
                   and the next your staring at the sun setting over
                 the ocean like it was her, saying her final goodbye,
                                            to the world.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Mind Is Traveling

I'm reading the bold statement above;
               I read it again.
     I'm repeating it after every meal
     I tattooed it on your arm
     I remember it every time you breath

This statement is a constant reminder that when you
     breath, I'm in uncharted thinking and exploring.

 At the beginning of the process, I'll be searching for possible
                       subjects related to this thought.

            At another point, I'll may be experimenting with different
      ways to think about one of these subjects.

 later on, I'll be searching for the perfect
                         idea and tie all my main
                         thoughts together.
                                                            As one.

10 Ways To Kill an Elephant

       1. cut off his foot so when he tries to walk he tips over 
         into a pool of pungie sticks

     2. we send it to Shae Hansen's house

       3. we paint it black and the Ku Klux Klan comes after it
         and hangs it from the nearest building

       4. we do magic tricks with it but it doesn't work because
         he's so big, so he dies when trying to cut him in half

       5. cut off his trunk, send it back in time to the caveman so
         they will end up eating it

       6. feed him McDonald's until he blows up 

       7. give him a tatoo of a target on his side and sell tickets
         to shoot the moving target 

       8. make him read Hamlet

       9. put out a sign saying free elephant rides and he'll die 
         from exhaustion of too many rides

      10. you put him inside a box and you put that box inside
         another box, then i'll mail that box to myself and when 
         it arrives I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!! its 

Saturday, October 8, 2011


What is wrong with you?
     Why would you ever grow that?
  These are the thoughts I have as I look over and
  see this man staring at me:
    He's looking straight at me and all I can think is mustache. mustache and
    that is one creepy mustache man.

I just don't get the point of a mustache. Cut it off for crying out loud!
     Its disgusting to look at a thick chunk of hair on someones face
     that's resting on the top of their lip.

  What I really don't get is this guy:
   WHAT?!?!?! Why?!
         How in Marshmallows name did he grow that?
             I just can't comprehend what the point of a mustache is.

If i really had to pick a mustache i actually liked
       though it would be this one:
    Look at the perfection of the curve! Its fantastic.
Love it. Hate it.
Its inevitable. Mustachio.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Direct Order

Baby listening to music on headphones
Listening. Music. Particularly Rock.
    I might be dancing. I might be banging on...something.
       I am giving you a direct order to rock out.

Rock Out like you got out of prison after 50 years.
                                                               Rock Out 
         like you just found out poke-a-dots became illegal.
    ROCK OUT like your fridge just broke but now you're
     eatin smock a' lick tonight.

                          Rock Out like cherries are in season all the time :)

rock out like you got a new electric wheelchair because
             you just lost your legs. Rock Out like going to
   Disneyland for the first time. Rock out like it's your last
day on earth.
         Rock out like the whole world is red but you're blue.

Rock Out like your eyes are fading but
   you still got your ears. Rock Out like
 you just got kidnapped but you escaped.
                 rock out like your singing the national anthem in front
                        of a million people. rock out like you fell in love 
                    for the first time.



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dedicated to Jade

        Dear Sweet Loving Beautiful Jade,
                I see your picture and my eyes start to sting but I hold it back
                because I don't want anyone to see me cry. You were so beautiful
                and young, and full of life. I miss you more than you'll ever know.

                I wish I could see you one more time, and tell you all the wonderful
                things about you. When you smiled the room would light up. Just
                to see your smile one more time would make me happier than I've
                been in a long time.

                I can't wait till I get to see you again. But until that time comes I
                will always keep you close to my heart. Losing you has made me
                stronger and a better person. You give me purpose and strength no
                one else alive could. You are always in my memory.

                                       Miss and Love you Always and Forever. <3

                                                     My family wanted a picture of her in our house so I drew her.                        

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone. I walk alone.

          It's black and white, not an ounce of color. I can't see the faces of anyone. I get close to someone
          and they turn away. 
     I walk alone. I walk alone.

          I see a broken down car. There's my neighbor singing at the top of her lungs, playing her broken piano
          An empty abandon stage waiting for someone to use it. A smashed microphone. A crowd of laughing
          people staring at me. Nobody is where I am.
     I walk alone. I walk alone.

          A burning scholarship. Scissors. Scissors. Scissors. A burning blazing fire. I'm bare foot but there's
          shoes all around me. I can't reach or grab anything to protect my feet from the hard sharp road, cutting
          my bare feet.
     I walk alone. I walk alone.

          My parents are yelling at each other. I see a picture of just me and my parents. There's burning paper
          all around me. Pencils are shattered and broken everywhere. Everything that comes near me breaks.
I walk alone. I walk alone.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thinking About You.

  I'm thinking about you like salt thinks about pepper.
          Like cats think about balls of yarn.
     Like Pooh Bear thinks about Honey.
                          Like the clouds think about the sky.
 Like SKITTLES think about rainbows.
             Like dinosaurs think about humans.
                                         Like terrorists think about BOMBS.
        Like beads think about string.
Like nailpolish thinks about nails.
                       Like girls think about ChOcOlAtE.
     Like cameras think about images. [|:)8
                   Like teeth think about chewing.
                                  Like bunnies think about carrots.
   Like a brush thinks about llllllllllloooooooooooooooooonnnngggggg hair.
              Like PEANUT BUTTER thinks about JELLY.               

Friday, September 2, 2011


You don't just eat the cherry pie, you savor it.
You don't just go through the motions of life, you live it.
Living life to the fullest, not missing any opportunities. This is what we should all be doing. Don't just go to school/work and complain about the weather or how tired you are. You give your best effort: 110%. For some, it's easier than others, to actually put an effort into our daily routines.
You don't just go to the oven and pull out a cherry pie magically, you go make it and work for what you want.

Love is...

Love is time.
Love is a wall.
Love is a secret.
Love is a butterfly.
Love is a headache.
Love is like riding a bike.
Love is candy. (sweet and sour)
Love is teeth. (blahfaflajfljadjfialsfkj)
Love is like a cut. (you get hurt but eventually it heals)
Love is like peeing your pants. (only you can feel it, but everyone can see it)
Love is like being blindfolded. (you never know where you're going or where you'll end up)