Saturday, October 8, 2011


What is wrong with you?
     Why would you ever grow that?
  These are the thoughts I have as I look over and
  see this man staring at me:
    He's looking straight at me and all I can think is mustache. mustache and
    that is one creepy mustache man.

I just don't get the point of a mustache. Cut it off for crying out loud!
     Its disgusting to look at a thick chunk of hair on someones face
     that's resting on the top of their lip.

  What I really don't get is this guy:
   WHAT?!?!?! Why?!
         How in Marshmallows name did he grow that?
             I just can't comprehend what the point of a mustache is.

If i really had to pick a mustache i actually liked
       though it would be this one:
    Look at the perfection of the curve! Its fantastic.
Love it. Hate it.
Its inevitable. Mustachio.


  1. I just love every word of this.
    One of my favorite posts. LOVE IT. I especially love the line about the disgusting piece of hair resting upon their upper lip. Loved this!

  2. I completely agree! Mustaches are gross.

  3. so funny! and true. mustaches are horrible. but i do love that crazy white one! i think if you are going to have a mustache you need to either be french, a hick, or a crazy guy with a huge white beard!

  4. haha good word!! loved the whole thing!!!

  5. Haha I loved it! I definitely agree with Hershel Raspberry-Crumble :)

  6. ha ha Love it! And completely agree with the sentiment.

  7. Soo funny! And so true. thanks for a laugh.

  8. The second mustached man is my grandfather.
